czwartek, 29 grudnia 2022

Alisbergia for Trainz TANE - free Download!

(Eng) A country situated around a great lake called the Inland Sea.
The cities on the shores of the lake are connected by a network of railways and roads.
Several cities have bus and tram transport.
On the map you can drive a truck, tram, plane, train, ship and bus.


sobota, 10 grudnia 2022

Alisbergia (Big lake)-new free map for trainz (made in TANE version)

(Eng) A country situated around a great lake called the Inland Sea.
The cities on the shores of the lake are connected by a network of railways and roads.
Several cities have bus and tram transport.
On the map you can drive a truck, tram, plane, train, ship and bus.

Download map coming soon!

(Pl) Kraj położony wokół wielkiego jeziora zwanego Morzem Śródlądowym.
Miasta nad brzegiem jeziora połączone są siecią kolei i dróg.
Kilka miast ma komunikację autobusową i tramwajową.
Na mapie możesz jeździć ciężarówką, tramwajem, samolotem, pociągiem, statkiem i autobusem.

Mapa do pobrania już wkrótce!

Alisbergia for Trainz TANE - free Download!

(Eng) A country situated around a great lake called the Inland Sea. The cities on the shores of the lake are connected by a network of railw...